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Partner Hospital

We ensure our staff are up to date with the latest procedures and rehabilitative care through our partnership with Korea’s leading institution.

Partner Hospital

We ensure our staff are up to date with the latest procedures and rehabilitative care through our partnership with Korea’s leading institution.

Staff Exchange With Korea’s Leading Institution
  • All physiotherapists and occupational therapists at Daehan Rehabilitation Hospital (DRH) receive 3 to 6 months of training in Seoul.
  • DRH is currently setting up a medical staff exchange programme with Korea’s leading rehabilitation hospitals.
  • Selected rehab physicians and physiotherapists of DRH will be transferred to and trained at partnering hospitals in South Korea on an annual basis.

Rehabilitation On Imagination (ROI) Hospital
  • ROI Hospital was established in 2011 and has 128 beds.
  • It is located in Pyunchang-dong surrounded by mountains and the green areas in Seoul – affording their clients premium rehab care with a gorgeous view.
  • It has a rehab, chiropractic, and internal medicine department.


Address: 158-1, Pyungchang-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul


Severance Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Founded in 1952, Severance Rehabilitation Hospital is the first, largest and the most prestigious rehabilitation hospital in Korea.
  • Dr. Kim graduated from Yonsei Medical School and worked at Severance Rehab Hospital for 11 years.
  • Severance Hospital (aka, Yonsei University Healthcare System) was founded in 1885 as the first modern medical institution in Korea by the American medical missionary, Dr. Horace N. Allen.
  • Currently it has 2 graduate schools (Public Health and Nursing), 3 colleges (Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing) and 5 hospitals (Severance Hospital, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yongin Severance Hospital, Severance Mental Health Hospital, and the Dental Hospital).
  • There are approximately 7,000 employees throughout the Health System, which include some 2,000 physicians and 5,000 support personnel. In addition, a total of 24,000 students have graduated from the colleges and graduate schools.
  • The hospitals have around 3,700 beds and see around 3 million outpatients and 1 million inpatients annually.
  • To improve rehabilitation treatment level of overseas medical institutions, Severance Rehabilitation Hospital invited medical staff from overseas medical institutions and provided training programs to them.